Campaign Introduction

Feel the REAL KOREAN HERITAGE 참 만남 참 문화유산
Help us build on our uniquely Korean
and mystical Korean Heritage!

Through thousands of years, our ancestors did everything they could to preserve
and hand down the history of our Korean Heritage.
We carry on their legacy with the Visit Korean Heritage Campaign
to proudly showcase our Korean Heritage to visitors in both Korea and abroad.

Itineraries featuring our “World Heritage Sites” and “Intangible Korean Heritage of Humanity”
will take center stage and serve as Korean Heritage and tourism content representing Korea.

Moreover, a wide variety of programs designed to bring people closer to our Korean Heritage
will turn Korea into an even more appealing travel destination.

Route 10 different routes, 75 different destinations
Every Korean Heritage along this year’s Korean Heritage Routes has its own story to tell

Gaya, a Shining Beacon of Iron Age Culture – 01Gaya Culture Route, The epitome of Korea’s True Landscape Culture – 02Gwandong Pungryu Era Route, The beauty of Korea that resonates in our hearts – 03Baekje Antiquity Route, Mountain monasteries in Korea – 04Korean Temple Monasteries (Sansa) Route, The cradle of Korean scholars – 05Korean Confucian Academy Route, Our time on earth – 06Prehistoric Landscape Route, A beautiful island and a world heritage home to mystical legends – 07Mythic Landscape Route, Immerse yourself in the Namdo melody – 08Folk Music Route, A historical tour of Korea across Seoul and the metropolitan area – 09Royalty Route, Follow the spirit of Korea – 10Golden Era Route

Stage OnKorea Showcasing our Korean Heritage, the Visit Korean Heritage Campaign project

▶“Korean Heritage Passport Tour” for time travelers taking a trip to our Korean Heritage sites
▶“Culture and Heritage City Programs in Korea and Abroad” combine our Korean Heritage with new content, such as concerts, gourmet food, and activities
▶Your first stop in Korea, meet our Korean Heritage at Incheon International Airport! “Visit Korean Heritage Campaign Traveler Center at Incheon International Airport”
▶“Korean Heritage Exhibition” offers a whole new way to enjoy Korean Korean Heritage with media art
▶“Korea On Stage” featuring leading Korean artists along Korean Heritage Routes and UNESCO World Heritage Sites
▶The Campaign has produced and showcased “Brand Content” videos across the globe to promote new and interesting sides of Korean Korean Heritage

World Heritage Various linked projects with the Visit Korean Heritage Campaign

▶“World Heritage Festival” showcasing a diverse range of content, including concerts, immersive activities, exhibitions, etc. on UNESCO World Heritage Sites
▶“Korean Heritage Media Art,” where Korean Heritage meets cutting-edge IT technology to offer a new perspective on the way we enjoy our Korean Heritage