About us
Thank you for visiting the website of the Korea Heritage Agency.
The Korea Heritage Agency is
the new name of the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation.
the new name of the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation.

President of the Korea Heritage Agency
Choi Young-chang
On May 17, with the implementation of the Framework Act on National Heritage, the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation was renamed as the Korea Heritage Agency.
Since its establishment in 1980 as a public agency affiliated with the Korea Heritage Service, the Korea Heritage Agency has been actively conducting various projects to help communicate about Korea’s traditional culture and share it with the public.
We engage with the public on the vibrant frontlines of traditional culture with the aim of ensuring the proper transmission of national heritage while allowing citizens to better enjoy traditional culture through the creative utilization of national heritage.
We will continue to strive tirelessly to create new value for national heritage together with the public.
I kindly ask for your continued interest and support.
Thank you.