Traditional Performance Arts

- Special Performance by Korea House
- Performance by the KHA Performance Arts Group
- Fax

Since its foundation in 1981, the KHA Performance Arts Group has developed into one of Korea’s leading traditional dance companies,
performing for enthusiastic audiences in many different parts of the world.
Widely admired for its rich and extensive repertoire and the outstanding techniques it has developed throughout its long history,
the company presents performances that leave a lasting impact on every audience.
Korea House, in association with the KHA Performance Arts Group,
presents traditional dance performances for private events at the time and place of the client’s choosing.
This special dance group will confer even greater dignity and extra meaning on any event thanks to its rich repertoire and excellent presentation.
Members of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Certified trainee, Buddhist Dance(National Intangible Heritage)
- Successor of Cheoyongmu(National Intangible Heritage)
- MA in Dance, Graduate School, Sookmyung Women’s University
- PhD course completed, Eastern Philosophy Department, Sung Kyun Kwan University
- Ex-adjunct Professor, Traditional Arts Department, Graduate School of Arts, Sookmyung Women’s University
- Head Trainer of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Successor, Salpuri in the Kim Suk-ja Category (National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, Kongju National University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- BA in Dance, Sookmyung Women’s University
- Principal Dancer of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Certified trainee of Ilmu, Jongmyo Jeryeak (National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, School of Performing Arts, Seoul Institute of the Arts
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- BA in Dance, Sookmyung Women’s University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- BA in Dance, Dongduk Women’s University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Certified trainee, Buddhist Dance (National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, Sejong University
- MA in Dance, Dance Education, Graduate School of Education, Chung-Ang University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- MA in Physical Education, College of Education, Hanyang University
- BA in Dance, Korea National Sport University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Successor of Taepyungmu(National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, Hanyang University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Successor of Salpuri(National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, Korea National Sport University
- MA in Dance, Department of Performing Arts, Graduate School, Chung-Ang University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Successor, Buddhist Dance in the Lee Mae-bang Category(National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, Korea National Sport University
- Manager of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Successor of Cheoyongmu(National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, School of Performing Arts, Kookmin University
- MA in Dance, Department of Performing Arts and Multimedia, Graduate School, Kookmin University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- Successor of Cheoyongmu(National Intangible Heritage)
- BA in Dance, Sookmyung Women’s University
- MA in Cultural Administration, Graduate School of Public Policy, Sookmyung Women’s University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group

- BA in Dance, Korea National Sport University
- Member of the KHA Performance Arts Group