
K-Heritage 총서

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K-Heritage 총서 목록
번호 제목 첨부파일 등록일 조회수
11 한국의 장 담그기 문화(Knowledge, beliefs, and practices related to Jang-making in the Republic of Korea) 2024-10-29 1225
10 택견(Taekkyeon) 2024-10-17 426
9 아리랑(Arirang: Lyrical Folk Song in the Republic of Korea) 2024-10-17 368
8 연등회(Yeondeunghoe: Lantern Lighting Festival in the Republic of Korea) 2024-10-17 329
7 탈춤(Talchum: Mask Dance and Drama in the Republic of Korea) 2024-10-17 326
6 씨름(Ssireum: Traditional Wrestling in the Republic of Korea) 2024-10-17 231
5 줄다리기(Juldarigi: Tugging Rituals and Games in Korea and Three Other Southeast Asian Countries) 2024-10-17 306
4 농악(Nongak: Community Band Music, Dance, and Rituals in the Republic of Korea) 2024-10-17 259
3 김치와 김장문화(Kimjang: Making and Sharing Kimchi) 2024-10-17 396
2 제주해녀문화(Culture of Jeju Haenyeo (Women Divers)) 2024-09-04 588